Project Redwood Grantee Compatible Technology International (CTI) is featured on March 28, 2015 in a PBS piece which highlights stories from remote locations around the world to raise awareness of global issues, from food security to social entrepreneurship.  This 7-minute profile of the Minnesota based volunteers at the heart of the CTI organization spotlights the success of the CTI developed water chlorinators in Nicaragua, a project funded by Project Redwood and sponsored by Jorge Fernandez.  The retired engineers and volunteers who devote thousands of hours to the organization are creating not only water purifiers, but also threshers, grain tools, and other inventions designed to improve the lives of farmers in small villages around the world.  All to fight extreme poverty.

The video is a simple but comprehensive explanation of what CTI does.

Click here to learn more about the PBS Feature.  Or simply click to watch the video at any time on PBS.org.
