What a $25,000 Grant Can Do, Part 2:  Asia

What a $25,000 Grant Can Do, Part 2: Asia

Project Redwood is approaching its tenth year of grant-making!  To mark that anniversary, several weeks ago, we reviewed the impact of our grants in Africa.  Now, here’s a look at Project Redwood grants in Asia.  It’s surprising, and often even stunning, to discover...
Education for An Invisible Population

Education for An Invisible Population

What do you do when your child is born with a significant disability?  In this 13-minute clip, Dave Power talks about how and why he forged a decades-long relationship with the Perkins School for the Blind.  Now, as the school’s Chief Executive Officer, Dave is...
Big Thinking Pragmatists

Big Thinking Pragmatists

Photo by Paul DowneyPoverty’s afflictions reach wide and go deep.The ringworm that infects more than half of rural villagers in parts of Mexico, for example, impedes economic development.  Children and adults who are weakened and malnourished from the parasite can’t...