Meet the Women (And One Man) of Grantee Self Help International
In the 2012 grant cycle, Project Redwood awarded Self Help International a grant to help build and equip a new training facility in Quinta Lidia, Nicaragua; in the 2013 cycle, we funded entrepreneurial training and mentoring for women and their older children at the new facility.
2013 Annual Meeting Debrief: What Did We Learn? Who Had Fun?
Over 30 Stanford GSB 1980 classmates and an equal number of spouses, friends, and guests converged on grid-locked Washington, DC for a weekend in late October, 2013. When we arrived, the autumn weather turned beautiful, the government shut down miraculously ended, and the city opened its arms.
A Class Act: Read About Project Redwood in Stanford Magazine
The Stanford Magazine published a letter citing Project Redwood’s seven years of accomplishment.
Use this LINK to get to the November/December 2013 issue, which carried the letter written by 2013 Project Redwood Co-Chairs, Rich Jerdonek and Phil Jonckheer.
Getting Down and Dirty with Clean Water: A Photo Tour of Grantee Compatible Technology International in Nicaragua
For the last couple of years, Jorge Fernandez has heavily invested his time and skills to help four-time Project Redwood grantee Compatible Technologies International (CTI) bring clean water to rural villagers of Nicaragua, one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere.
Rich Jerdonek’s Story: Water, Water Everywhere and Not a Drop to Drink
We flew into Managua over Lake Nicaragua, the largest lake in Central America. The view was spectacular. Active volcanoes emitted smoke from their calderas. Hundreds of dormant cones were visible, some topped by cloud forests and crater lakes.
Jorge Fernandez’s Story: Working Together in Nicaragua
We saw real poverty among rural Nicaraguans: lack of electricity; dirt floors at home, lack of potable water; illnesses like Dengue fever; and other basic indicators of need. Poverty is really hard on people living in its hold, and it takes a big toll on individuals’ self- esteem.
Donna Allen’s Story: Feeling the Impact of Project Redwood in Nicaragua
In November 2013, five Project Redwood partners traveled to Nicaragua to visit the sites of several funded projects. Here are my reflections on our experience in Nicaragua.
Ann McStay’s Story: Tapping the Spirit of the Nicaraguan Poor
Jorge packed our itinerary with intensive exposure to Project Redwood grantees Compatible Techonolgy International (CTI) and Self Help International (SHI), and partner non-profit EOS International projects, staff and communities.
Dave Fletcher’s Story: Lessons Learned in Nicaragua
One of the things that impressed me about our trip to Nicaragua was that if our affiliated non-government-organizations are well-connected and knowledgeable, then our grant dollars and efforts can be highly leveraged and effective.
Design for Extreme Affordability in The News
The New York Times has a good article on Stanford’s Hasso Plattner Institute School of Design. The article mentions the course Project Redwood helps to sponsor, Design for Extreme Affordability, where students tackle real world problems facing those who live in poverty.