Care to Help

Bringing Schools and Clean Water to Vietnam’s Needy

Location: Central Highlands of Vietnam

Care to Help:  Grantee in 2007

Seattle-based Care to Help is dedicated to meeting the basic health and educational needs of the poor, primarily ethnic, minorities in the central highlands of Vietnam.  Since 2002, they have transformed tens of thousands of lives by providing safe water systems, schools, an orphanage dormitory, and several sanitation projects.

Care to Help receives most of its funding from individuals and small businesses.  Local alliances set up in Vietnam pool resources for some projects. All stateside labor, office space and equipment are donated, so every dollar received directly benefits people in need.  At times, the government provides support for programs as well (e.g., salaries for staff, teachers, etc.)

For more information, see:


2007:  $25,000 to build a new concrete and brick school and associated clean water facilities (including a well system and toilets).  This is Care to Help’s sixth school, situated on the grounds of a Buddhist Pagoda.


Enable hundreds of students to attend school tuition-free. Further, the improved sanitation reduces the incidence of water borne disease, a health benefit that extends to the entire village.