Nyanam International
Helping widows reclaim their dignity
Location: Kenya
Sponsors: Matt Mascioli
Nyanam International: A first-time grantee in 2022-23
Widows are among the most discriminated against and disenfranchised social groups in Kenya. They face a stigma that brings social isolation, sexual vulnerabilities, and economic deprivation. Nyanam’s mission is to provide social support through leadership circles and four integrated programs in leadership, health, livelihoods, and land justice to help widows reclaim their dignity and economic independence, and thrive in their communities.
Kenyan women own very little land; land rights are typically attached to their husbands. While the law provides for widows to inherit their husband’s property, their rights are often illegally taken away. Widows are often forced to flee from their homes and often must rely on transactional sex to survive. Widows with land produce food from their own labor, are cushioned from food price volatility, and earn additional income to meet family needs every time they harvest from their farms. Nyanam proposes to implement a fifth program to help widows to overcome legal obstacles, maintain land access and ownership, and preserve their land rights.
Through this new program, Widows’ Poverty Alleviation through Land Ownership (WPALO), a pilot number of widows will be trained on property rights, and a subset of them will be selected to be trained as paralegals. In addition, a group of assistant chiefs and chiefs will be trained on women’s land rights and land succession processes. Nyanam’s legal organizational partners will also provide legal clinics, support conflict resolution meetings, and represent widows in courts as needed for a group of 50 widows who will file land succession cases with the Kenyan courts in 2023 with the hope of achieving land titles in their names by 2024.
For more information, see: https://www.nyanam.org/
2022-2023: A $30,000 grant will help establish WPALO and fund the development of a Property Rights Curriculum, train the widows in property rights and as paralegals, train chiefs on women’s land rights, conduct clinics and provide legal support to widows who file land succession cases in Kenyan courts. In addition, a grant of $2,883 in unrestricted funding has been awarded to support this mission.
The widows who gain land titles will be able to develop subsistence and commercial agriculture that will increase their own food security and income. Over time, WPALO will expand and more widows will be able to invest in long term agribusiness ventures such as cash crop farming and to access loans to start businesses. They will also have family wealth that they can pass on to their children, protecting their families from intergenerational poverty. The increase in household income will also improve educational opportunities for their children reducing their children’s poverty in the long run.