S.O.U.L. Foundation
Empowering Rural Women Farmers
Location: Uganda
Sponsor: Brad Smith and Ann McStay
S.O.U.L. Foundation: Grantee in 2018, 2021, 2022-23, and 2024
Founded in 2009, S.O.U.L. is committed to addressing the root causes of poverty for rural women farmers in Uganda. It has fostered sustainable and vibrant communities in two districts in Eastern Uganda through unique partnerships focused on education, empowerment, food security, and maternal health. S.O.U.L. serves over 14,000 Ugandans in 30 villages, utilizing a development-driven model that makes community members stakeholders in their own success.
Their staff, many of whom are locals, work side-by-side with community members to develop and implement training programs that teach such basic business skills and important financial skills
Recent eco enterprises revolve around two initiatives; the development of commercial fish ponds and cages and an industrial maize mill. They generate both much-needed food for residents and commercial sales opportunities.
More recently, S.O.U.L.’s focus turned to facilitating vocational training for youth, with strong results and positive feedback. Program expansion will help more youth to develop skills, find meaningful employment and fulfill their potential.
For more information, see: http://www.souluganda.org/
2018: $25,000 to provide both the financial support and skill-building training to members of their eco enterprise cooperatives working in aquaculture (fish ponds/cages) and maize mill production to help them reach a competitive scale that sustains growth.
2021: $30,000 to fund personnel, supplies and support for vocational training for at-risk youth. S.O.U.L. will oversee admissions, track progress, provide mentorship, manage certification, identify employment opportunities and assist with job placement for 100 disadvantaged rural youth and indirectly benefit household members.
2022-23: $30,000 will fund the expansion a program in which 150 youth hone skills, earn certifications and find employment. Skills instruction includes basic literacy, finances, entrepreneurship, and interpersonal dynamics as well as in-house vocational training in ICT and tailoring. In two geographic areas, 20 students will be matched to training programs in mechanics, plumbing, healthcare, catering, and carpentry. S.O.U.L. will continue to track progress, conduct assessments, provide mentorship, manage certification, and assist with job placement. In addition, a grant of $2,883 in unrestricted funding has been awarded to support this mission.
2024: $40,000 will fund SOUL’s teaching of marketable skills to 370 new students. These skills include digital literacy, fashion design and merchandising, hairdressing and barbering, catering, electrical installation, motor vehicle mechanics, farming, and carpentry. These goals are based on past success in training and having the physical equipment and partnerships needed to complete this project in place.
Directly impact ~1,150 people through aquaculture, agribusiness and access to better food, and equip another 150 youth with skills and training in market-relevant jobs and knowledge to increase and diversify household income.