Tomorrow’s Leaders NYC, Inc
Educational support to increase matriculation and employment opportunities for over-age students
Location: New York USA
Sponsor: Alan Kern
Tomorrow’s Leaders NYC, Inc. (TLNYC): Grantee in 2021, 2022-23 and 2024
Tomorrow’s Leaders NYC was established in 2011 to help over-age middle school and high students increase GPAs so they can advance their education and have prospects for productive employment opportunities into the future. This specific student population, from underserved communities where many encounter personal trauma, often finds itself left behind on the academic path and many of these young people never graduate and end up with poor career prospects.
Initially focused in two New York City boroughs (Brooklyn and the Bronx), TLNYC offers free programs designed to help these vulnerable students prepare for higher education and career opportunities. It has the support of schools and colleges, as well as corporate and non-profit collaboration to achieve its goals. A combination of during-and-after school programs provide tutoring and other valuable learning skills that help these students succeed. Over 1,000 students have benefitted; they have experienced higher GPAs and graduation rates and gained vocational readiness not otherwise available to them.
For more information, s
2021: $30,000 supported program expansion into the Queens area. Funding covered the hiring of a senior manager to oversee programs in this new market and also pay for technology resources. TLNYC also intends to increase the staff of college interns and recruit specialists who can help these students and their families through the support process.
2022-23: $30,000 funds the “High School Success Program (HSSP)” which provides continuity for students transitioning to high school and addresses a gap in the support to high school students by increasing service capacity. In addition, a grant of $2,883 in unrestricted funding has been awarded to support this mission.
2024: A $55,000 Impact Building grant will be used by TLNYC in Strategic Planning to increase their focus on organizational strength and improve stakeholder engagement. In Board and Governance, they will expand membership and diversity, better define Board responsibility versus leadership responsibility, and improve engagement between leadership and Board. In Financial Management and Fundraising, they will work to find resources and develop training and tactics so that they can sustain and scale their ability to have greater impact in populations they serve.
Directly engage overage students and give them opportunities to complete their schooling and go on to careers. These students, along with their families and the community at large, benefit from such improved prospects for their future.