Zambian Children’s Fund
Sustaining a VIllage to Nurture Orphans in Southern Africa
Location: Chishawasha Zambia

Zambian Children’s Fund (ZCF): Grantee in 2007
Founded in 1999, the Zambian Children’s Fund supports orphaned children in southern Africa whose lives are at risk from drought, starvation and such diseases as HIV/AIDS and malaria. ZCF endeavors to create a self-sustaining village to nurture upwards of 500 orphans by providing them with housing, clothing, nutrition, and education.
Integral to its goal to foster self-sufficiency is a focus not only providing training and skill development but build revenue through sales of goods produced by the residents. ZCF makes it a priority to help residents develop skills and experiences that help them secure gainful employment and become self-sufficient. The Chishawasha Center in Lusaka (an agricultural and crafts center) provides hands-on training in such useful skills as carpentry, poultry production, tailoring, fabric printing, and electronics repair. Along with teachers who are licensed in these trades,
A seasoned philanthropist, along with Project Redwood members, has brainstormed with ZCF, coming up with suggestions to broaden their funding base. Other professional associates provide contacts to help the organization expand distribution channels for their fabrics (including US distribution).
For more information,
2007: $24,000 to provide equipment and supplies for the Chishawash Center. Products and services would then be distributed to local and international markets, with a goal of making the Center fully self-funded within four years.
Improved employment opportunities and new revenue sources for village residents